Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Please name this movie?

I was watching this movie on directv and I can't remember the name of it, I never got to finish it. Ok what happened in the movie was that there was a man who spent like 10 minutes looking at himself in the mirror weilding a revovler, and then he put the gun in his pants loop and walked out, and I think the movie said that it was 1973 England, but the kid was in the I think VDF England, but anyway he went to another boys house afterwards and picked him up, and while this was going on these other 2 boys where trying to get into peoples cars, and then they got into an old muscle car, hotwired it, and picked the boy with the revovler and his friend up, and they parked somewhere and talked about they're first kill on some guy with the last name Griffin, I think it was Jimmy Griffin, but I doubt that was his first name, and then they went to his house and shot Griffin, through his window, 3 times in the head, and right in front of Griffins little brother who was kicking a soccer ball outside against the side of the concrete house over and over, and then the guy looked at the little brother and ran back into the muscle car and they drove off and went to a party after burning the car. And the little brothers mom blamed him for 33 years that it was his fault his brother died because he didn't stop the guy from killing his brother. And then 33 years after they killed him. The little brother and the man who killed him(after serving prision time for the murder) went to a castle for an interview for a TV segment about what happened that night. But the little brother(now a 40 year old man) planned on killing him for what he did to him and for killing his brother....thats all I saw....


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