Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mobo bios / video card issue?

Have a Geforce 9800 gtx vid card, often while im playing games the card should be able to handle things will freeze up and i get a nv4_infinite_loop or disp_driver blue screen, driver for the card is up to date. Asked around and found that it may be that my motherboard bios are out of date an making the card unstable, not sure where to find the bios or how to install them , i found one on the intel website an its the one i currently have, any ideas or suggestions about this issue? or is it time to build a new comp? the motherboard is an intel desktop D975XBX extreme series, cpu intel core 2 6600 2.4ghz , 2gb of ddr2 , Os win xp professional. thanks in advance to anyone who responds to this! :)


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