Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do I have a case to contest a suspended license, Need legal help.?

3 Months ago I got an MIC (minor in consumption), I never took a brreathalizer, was given any tests, did not admit to drinking or anything. I pleaded no contest because at the time I could not afford a lawyer, I had 175 dollar fine, 8 hours community service, 8-hours Alcohal Awareness Class, and a 30 day suspension of my license (seems a little harsh for a 1st offense). So nobody ever told me that I could not take the AA class online ( Which was what I was relying on) .. After a friend telling me that I couldnt do it online i called the Municipal court, they told me that online classes were not acceptable, so i started scrambling around trying to find a class in an actual classroom. No openings. ANYWHERE. So needless to say I couldnt get my class done in time and now i have a suspended license for 180 days, i dont have a license, so they said that i couldnt get a license for 180 days, i want to get this revoked. I feel like ive been treated unfairly through all of this. what can I do?


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