Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I am probation- will my probation be revoked if I have a restraining order against me?

I accepted a guilty plea as a level 1 Sex offender about 4 years ago and I was placed on six years probation. My victim was a 36 year old woman. I was 26 at the time of my offense. My current girlfriend and I have just broken up. She told me that she was going to get an order of protection against me, becasue I sent her a bunch of derrogatory emails- nothing threatening her safety or anything physically violent, but just mean. I poked at some of her prior promiscuous hook ups and drug use in a recent email that I sent to her work email account. when she gets the actual order of protection or temporary restraining order against me- which will more than likely become permanent based on my criminal record- will my probation be revoked and will I go to jail. how screwed am I? Serious responses only- please as this is my lifeI have screwed up. thanks.


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