Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Does this qualify for a rant?
Why are all women on Yahoo Answers so stupid? Not just women actually, EVERYONE?! NO! Not even on yahoo answers! It seems like I see people asking stupid questions, which is understandable; but them people giving even STUPIDER advice. Be smart! I don't mean book smart, with proper grammar and spelling, I mean common damn sense. SERIOUSLY! What is up with these questions?! Sure, I guess I can seem like an asshole sometimes, but grow up! Stop giving me thumbs down because I give logical, real life answers, and stop downing my comments because its not what you want to hear. If I answer your question, its the truth. I don't answer questions unless i know what I am talking about. What is this crap about feelings? Everyone gets their feelings hurt now a days, then all of the sudden, its a federal case. Just because someone is an asshole and says true things, he needs counselling on how to be more sensitive. How about you nut the hell up and start acting like a person who isn't a pussy. My god, If i see one more feminist try and tell another woman how to control her boyfriend, just because he watches porn, I am going to snap in half. Seriously, what is wrong with the world today. People are too concerned with others feelings and safety. I am not saying safety is a bad thing, i'm saying too much safety is a horrid thing. Your kid doesn't need 13 sets of football pads to ride a tricycle! Hes 5, let him get a god damn scrape! He will learn on his own, stop feeding them knowledge! And what's with leashes for children? You kid isn't a dog! He is a HUMAN! Take him off the ******* leash and be a better parent!!! And holy ****, what the hell is it with people and shiny rims!? It looks nice if they fit the car, but you don't need 23" dubs on a goddamn Honda civic!!!!! GET A GED INSTEAD!!! And speaking of idiots, what is with politics?! What part of "taking away guns from paying and hard working citizens" sounds like a good idea?!?!?! If you revoke gun privileged from legal gun buyers, then it just means when the gangsters and thugs take over, no body can fight back because we don't have any damn guns! And Obama! WTF?! Do you people not see it? This man is spending BILLIONS of YOUR money, just so he can fly his limo across the damn globe! He brought 5 C-130's to fly a limo and some Escalade's!!!! The only questions on Yahoo should be, "How can I stop being so stupid" not, "What color should my dog's hair be?" Its a god damn dog! LET HIM BE!!!! Also! WHY THE **** ARE YOU IN THE 10 ITEMS OR LESS LINE!?!??! YOU HAVE 30 BOXES OF STUPID KOOL-AID, SITTING UNDER 4 LOAFS OF BREAD!!! **** OFF!!! CAN STARBUCKS JUST GET A ******* LARGE?! I DON'T WANT A ******* VENTI, I WANT A LARGE!!! And why are rednecks trucks so big? Granted that a lifted truck looks nice, BUT WHEN YOU CAN SEE INTO MY LAP FROM MY MOON ROOF WHEN YOU ARE TWO LANES OVER, GET A SMALLER ******* TRUCK!!! YOU ARE THE REASON GAS IS 4 DOLLARS A ******* GALLON! And stop asking why people hate you! People hate you because you ask stupid ******* questions all the time! I Would rather talk to a brick wall than someones es wife! And get rid of TAXES ON MY PAY CHECK! MAKE A HUGE ******* SALES TAX AND GIVE ME MY WHOLE PAY CHECK! NOT ONLY WILL I SPEND MORE, BUT JOSE QUERVO NEXT DOOR, WHO DOESN'T SPEAK ******* ENGLISH, WILL HAVE TO PAY TAXES TOO! Speaking on immigration, why don't we make that 4' high chicken wire fence around the border 20' tall and run high voltage electricity through it. BETTER YET! PULL EVERY TROUPE OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST, THEN PUT THEM ON THE BOARDER WITH 50 CAL MACHINE GUNS AND SHOOT AT ANYONE WHO TRY'S AND CROSS! PABLO WONT BE TAKING' REDNECKS JOBS ANYMORE! And can people just take responsibility for their own stupid actions? My GAWD! How hard is it to say, "My Fault." For instance, my child didn't grow up to be a mass murderer because I was a shitty parent. Its because of the internet. And just lower the drinking age back down to 18. I am sick and tired of seeing so many teens die because they drink and drive, just because they don't want to be caught drinking... Seriously, when the age was 18, teen DUI related deaths were almost three times as little as they were today. And parents need to lighten up on their children. They make mistakes. There is no sense taking a 2x4 and whipping them until they pass out, JUST because your son liked a certain band. I saw a mother damn near beat her son because he was listening to KORN. OF ALL ******* THINGS! KORN!?!?!? C'MON! AND WHY DO YOU BUY YOUR 16 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER A NEW ******* MUSTANG?! SHE JUST STARTED DRIVING A MONTH AGO AND STILL CANT TURN LEFT WELL!!! And why do people suck *** at driving?! How hard is it to go ******* straight for 30 minuets. Unless you are blind, you should be able to drive perfectly fine. AND **** BLU TOOTH! Just answer your god damn phone! I am tired of havin
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